minhsi1134 2/6/2024 5:12:51 PM

Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on your reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you're interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations.

The first thing you'll need are members. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club's focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction, others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular genre such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance, others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the outset so the guidelines will be clear to the group and prospective member.

After setting the basic parameters, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper, and hang flyers on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public venue such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how bookswill be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether refreshments will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized.

Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved.

Question 31. According to the passage, when starting a book club, the first thing a person should do is_____________.

A. Hang flyers in local establishments.

B. Put an ad in a local newspaper.

C. Decide on the focus and size of the club.

D. Decide when and where the group will meet.

Question 32. Which of the following would NOT be covered during the book club's kick-off meeting?

A. Deciding on whether refreshments will be served.

B. Discussing and/or appointing a leader.

C. Choosing the club's first selection.

D. Identifying what kinds of books or genre will be the club's focus.

Question 33. A good title for this passage would be_____________.

A. Book Clubs: A Great Way to Make New Friends

B. Starting a Successful Book Club: A Guide

C. Five Easy Steps to starting a Successful Book Club

D. Reading in Groups: Sharing Knowledge, Nurturing Friendships

Question 34. Which of the following is NOT something that successful book clubs should do?

A. Focus exclusively on one genre.

B. Have guidelines about where and when to meet.

C. Have a focus.

D. Decide how to choose and who will choose book selections

Question 35. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the passage?

A. Smaller groups are better for a variety of reasons.

B. The social aspect of book clubs is more important than the intellectual.

C. Starting your own book club is better than joining an existing one.

D. When starting and running a book club, a casual approach is risky

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