Đánh giá năng lực APT Form 2025 - ĐHQG TPHCM - PHẦN TIẾNG ANH - Đề 9 - Đề bài
2/25/2025 2:48:12 PM
lehuynhson1 ...








Đề thi ĐGNL ĐHQG-HCM được thực hiện bằng hình thức thi trực tiếp, trên giấy. Thời gian làm bài 150 phút.

Đề thi gồm 120 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan 04 lựa chọn. Trong đó:

+ Phần 1: Sử dụng ngôn ngữ:

 Tiếng Việt: 30 câu hỏi;

 Tiếng Anh: 30 câu hỏi.

+ Phần 2: Toán học: 30 câu hỏi.

+ Phần 3: Tư duy khoa học:

 Logic, phân tích số liệu: 12 câu hỏi;

 Suy luận khoa học: 18 câu hỏi.

Mỗi câu hỏi trắc nghiệm khách quan có 04 lựa chọn (A, B, C, D). Thí sinh lựa chọn 01 phương án đúng duy nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi trong đề thi. 


Nội dung

Số câu

Thứ tự câu

Phần 1: Sử dụng ngôn ngữ


1 – 60

1.1 Tiếng Việt


1 – 30

1.2 Tiếng Anh


31 - 60

Phần 2: Toán học


61 - 90

Phần 3: Tư duy khoa học


91 - 120

3.1. Logic, phân tích số liệu


91 - 102

3.2. Suy luận khoa học


103 - 120



Question 31 – 35: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

Câu 31:  

Jason sent Phillip a fax from the airport before Monday's show, with the greeting: “Break __________ and enjoy yourself.”

        A. An arm.         B. A leg.         C. A finger.         D. A neck.

Câu 32:  

These days ________ people are learning English.

        A. Much and more.         B. Many and many.        C. More and more.         D. More and many.

Câu 33:  

As she listened, she played an _________ piano on her knees.

        A. Imaginary.         B. Imaginable.         C. Imaginative.         D. Imagination.

Câu 34:  

I think he's still __________ to terms with the death of his wife.

        A. Going.         B. Having.         C. Finding.         D. Coming.

Câu 35:  

The woman __________ he fell in love left him after a few weeks.

        A. With who.         B. With whom.         C. With which.         D. With whose.

Question 36 – 40: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken your choice on your answer sheet.

Câu 36:  

Almost half of all grandparents lose all contact with their grandchildren after a separation or divorcee, according to a new report.

        A. Half of all.         B. With.         C. Separation.         D. Divorcee.

Câu 37:  

The vegetables sold in the supermarket near my house aren’t fresh. I seldom go to that supermarket to buy food, don’t I?

        A. Vegetables.         B. Sold.         C. Seldom.         D. Don’t I.

Câu 38:  

The police is trying to find the missing girl.

        A. The.         B. Is.         C. To find.         D. Missing.

Câu 39:  

When Mr. Teie listened to the calls about the cotton-top tamarin colony kept at the Wisconsin-Madison psychology department, he immediately recognise emotional states.

        A. The calls.         B. About.         C. Kept.         D. Recognise.

Câu 40:  

The ME2 was a handheld game that addressed people’s concerns about unhealthy lifestyles and it contained technology in that had been developed for the sports industry.

        A. That.         B. About.         C. In that.         D. For.

Question 41 – 45: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?

Câu 41:  

The Navy SEALs devote themselves to their country.

A. The Navy SEALs dedicate their lives to their country.

B. The Navy SEALs force themselves to their country.

C. The Navy SEALs are interested in their country.

D. The Navy SEALs are made to their country.

Câu 42:  

“Have you read this book?” he asked.

        A. He asked me if I read that book.        B. He asked me whether I read that book.

        C. He asked me if I had read that book.        D. He asked me I had read that book.

Câu 43:  

I have never eaten such a delicious pizza.

A. I have never eaten pizza before.

B. This is the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten.

C. This is the first time I have ever eaten pizza.

D. It was such an amazing pizza that I have never eaten it.

Câu 44:  

Nobody went to the meeting.

A. Everybody went to the meeting.

B. There were very few people at the meeting.

C. Mostly no one went to the meeting.

D. Not a single person went to the meeting.

Câu 45:  

I wasn’t paying attention and I hit a car that stopped in front of me.

A. If I were paying attention, I wouldn’t hit a car that stopped in front of me.

B. If I had been paying attention, I wouldn’t hit a car that stopped in front of me.

C. If I had been paying attention, I wouldn’t have hit a car that stopped in front of me.

D. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I would have hit a car that stopped in front of me.

Question 46 – 52: Read the passage carefully. Choose an option (A, B, C, or D) that best answers each question.

        Obesity was traditionally defined as an increase in body weight that was greater than 20 percent of an individual’s ideal body weight—the weight associated with the lowest risk of death, as determined by certain factors, such as age, height, and gender. Based on these factors, overweight could then be defined as a 15–20 percent increase over ideal body weight. However, today the definitions of overweight and obesity are based primarily on measures of height and weight—not morbidity. These measures are used to calculate a number known as body mass index (BMI). This number, which is central to determining whether an individual is clinically defined as obese, parallels fatness but is not a direct measure of body fat. Interpretation of BMI numbers is based on weight status groupings, such as underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese, that are adjusted for age and sex. For all adults over age 20, BMI numbers correlate to the same weight status designations; for example, a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 equates with overweight and 30.0 and above with obesity. Morbid obesity (also known as extreme, or severe, obesity) is defined as a BMI of 40.0 or higher.

        Obesity may be undesirable from an aesthetic sense, especially in parts of the world where slimness is the popular preference, but it is also a serious medical problem. Generally, obese persons have a shorter life expectancy; they suffer earlier, more often, and more severely from a large number of diseases than do their normal-weight counterparts. For example, people who are obese are also frequently affected by diabetes; in fact, worldwide, roughly 90 percent of type II diabetes cases are caused by excess weight. Obesity is also a significant cause of cancer; by 2018, overweight and obesity were responsible for about 1 in every 25 cancers diagnosed worldwide. In the United States, researchers found that the incidence of obesity-related cancer was increasing among relatively young adults aged 25 to 49.

        The association between obesity and the deterioration of cardiovascular health, which manifests in conditions such as diabetes and hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure), places obese persons at risk for accelerated cognitive decline as they age. Investigations of brain size in persons with long-term obesity revealed that increased body fat is associated with the atrophy (wasting away) of brain tissue, particularly in the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain. In fact, both overweight and obesity, and thus a BMI of 25 or higher, are associated with reductions in brain size, which increases the risk of dementia, the most common form of which is Alzheimer disease.

        Obese women are often affected by infertility, taking longer to conceive than normal-weight women, and obese women who become pregnant are at an increased risk of miscarriage. Men who are obese are also at increased risk of fertility problems, since excess body fat is associated with decreased testosterone levels. In general, relative to normal-weight individuals, obese individuals are more likely to die prematurely of degenerative diseases of the heart, arteries, and kidneys, and they have an increased risk of developing cancer. Obese individuals also have an increased risk of death from accidents and constitute poor surgical

risks. Mental health is affected; behavioral consequences of an obese appearance, ranging from

shyness and withdrawal to overly bold self-assertion, may be rooted in neuroses and psychoses.


Câu 46:  

What does the passage mainly about?

A. Health effects of being obesed.

B. Definition of obesity.

C. Different types of obesity.

D. How to determine if you are obesed or not.

Câu 47:  

According to paragraph 2, what is the word “aesthetic” closest in meaning to?

        A. Artificial.         B. Good-looking.         C. Medical.         D. Displeasing.

Câu 48:  

In paragraph 2, what does the word “it” refer to?

        A. The world.         B. Popular preference.         C. Slimness.         D. Obesity.

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